Reviewing Tito

Review slips or letters from publishers often accompany review copies of new books they offer to booksellers. I usually find them tucked inside the front cover ( example here ), containing language that states the bibliographic details of the book, expected publication date, and a request to send reviews to the publisher. The American Booksellers Association refers to this as Advance Access on their Web site. And when I find them they exist as originally sent, as they are not forms to complete. Rather, they provide contact information for sending reviews. Not so the one below, which I got a kick out of because it appears the reviewer intended, for some reason, to recycle the request itself into a review of sorts or at least a notepad for later transcription into a proper and separate review piece. This 1986 review copy of Tito's Flawed Legacy: Yugoslavia & the West Since 1939 , by Nora Beloff included a review slip from the publisher, Westview Press (Frederick A. Praeg...