Baker's Plays - Boston book shop trade label

Here's a trade label for Baker's Plays, a Boston book shop devoted to playwriting and the theatrical arts, as well as publishing titles in that field.
I found it in a copy of Dear Brutus, by J.M. Barrie (Scribner, later printing, 1928).

I have no way of knowing (yet) if the label is contemporary to the book's printing. If the book shop sold used books, the label could have been affixed in one of several succeeding decades.

It's a nice label with raised letters and a drama mask design befitting the shop's specialty.

Baker's Plays still exists, though. Their Web site lists a New York address, but I also found mention of a Quincy (Boston) location.

From a Bibliography listed at, I learned this: "Since 1845, Baker's Plays has supplied playscripts and performance rights, adding through the years theatre books, stage makeup, sound effect and dialect tapes."

Quite remarkable, if I have my facts right. This must be one of the oldest running book shops in the country. And writing that sentence prompted me to search for something older than 1845 in America. Didn't have to go far to find it--the Brattle Book Shop in Boston, 1825. There must be more, but it will require more research than I have time for at the moment.

But I did find a site that seems to be collecting old book shops on the European continent:

And then there's India's oldest bookstore, Higginbothams in Chennai... uh oh... this is getting away from me.

Back to Baker's Plays, I did a search of their site to see if they had a copy of my J.M. Barrie book, Dear Brutus. The only Barrie title they had was Peter Pan.


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