A Nun's Reading Habit

I have here a series of old monthly statements from various publishers and booksellers, 1906-1908, that involve book orders by a Sister Mary Ursula of St. Mary's Academy and Sacred Heart Academy (Gray Nuns) of Ogdensburg, New York.

To say, as the title of this post suggests, that this small collection of business correspondence reflects Sister Mary Ursula's reading habit is probably inaccurate (but I couldn't resist the play on words!).

However, these statements  do reflect that she did buy books and other items from, appropriately enough, Christian, Catholic,and educational publishers. Sister Mary Ursula was likely influential in the reading curriculum of her students at St. Mary's Academy, so it may have been their reading habits she was cultivating through her purchase with these companies.

Of the six statements below, only one actually indicates the books ordered. From Carey-Stafford Co., Publishers, Booksellers and Importers in New York City, Sister Mary Ursula ordered one 4-volume set of Apparitions. This single copy indicates an acquisition for a library.

Jan 1 1906 H.L Kilner & Co Catholic Publishers & Manufactuers of Vestments & Catholic goods 824 Arch St. Philadelphia

July 1 1908 Houghton Mifflin & Co Boston Mass
October 1 1908 H.L Kilner & Co Catholic Publishers & Manufacturers of Vestments & Catholic goods 824 Arch St. Philadelphia

Oct 23 1908 Librairie J A Jacques 94 Mechanic Street, Worchester MA

Jan 2 1908 Prang Educational Company 113 University Place NY NY (auditors request for balance due)


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