The J.K. Gill Company: Booksellers and Stationers

Here's a 1904 billhead from Oregon, a state under-represented in my collection: On the date shown, a family Bible was sold to a customer for $5. Small sales such as that belied the much greater business successes Gill had cultivated by the time this billhead received its paid stamp. Information on Gill was readily available and more than I had expected to find. I soon learned why from Gill's Wikipedia page . Gill started out in the bookselling business by marrying into it. A native from England, he had gone to Salem, Oregon in 1864 after living with his family in Massachusetts where they had emigrated. Married two years later, he began running the family's bookstore in Salem. In short order, he purchased the business, but soon sold it and headed for Portland where he entered into a new bookselling business with George A. Steel--Gill & Steel. In 1878, Gill once again became a sole proprietor when he bought out his partner, Steel, and changed the name of the business to T...