A bookstore bottle

What's an old drugstore bottle got to do with ephemera, especially bibliophemera ? I guess it depends on how you define ephemera. Or how much you want to stretch that definition. Webster's Third New International Dictionary (that 10-pound big boy) defines ephemeral as lasting or existing briefly . That would qualify a medicine bottle as ephemera, but I know the definition has evolved to mean printed matter. But this bottle came from a drug store that was also a bookstore. F.W. Richter ran the City Drug & Book Store in Niles, Michigan, as stated on one side of the bottle. Richter is listed in an 1891 issue of the pharmacy journal, The Western Druggist ,making this a relic of at least the late 19th century. My old bottle collection of some several dozen comes from a couple of summer vacations of digging around old cellar holes and dump sites in New Hampshire when I was a teenager ( many years ago). The "book store bottle" is a recent addition, purchased from a Mic...